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Skin & Spirit strives for excellence and professionalism in providing customer service, both online and in person. As a customer, you can expect that we will treat you with respect, value, and empathy. You can expect our interactions with you to be positive and friendly. You are important and valued!


Customer feedback helps us measure whether our services are meeting your needs and expectations. Praise is always welcome, and constructive criticism helps us be the best we can for my customers. Please feel free to contact us with feedback.

Privacy & Safety


The privacy and safety of our customers is of the utmost importance! Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on privacy matters, data collection, and policies regarding the information you provide to us.


Skin & Spirit endeavors to treat customers as we want to be treated, and that encompasses providing information that is clear and accurate to the best of our knowledge and experience.


It is always wise to realize that products made from plants can and will have different effects on and for any one person. Such is the nature of anything that we put on or in our bodies, as every person is a unique and complicated natural working "machine" that requires individual respect and consideration. That being said, the items sold by Skin & Spirit Herbal Apothecary are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any ailment, sickness, or disease or substitute advice or treatment from your professional medical practitioner. The descriptions contained on this website are based on personal experience and research and are for informational purposes only. Products are created using cGMP (Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices), however products and descriptions have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration.


By viewing this website or purchasing a Skin & Spirit item, you acknowledge this disclaimer and further acknowledge that your personal experience with any Skin & Spirit product can vary from those experiences stated. All items are properly labeled according to the FDA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and the Fair Packaging and
Labeling Act (FPLA), and labels contain information about known allergen and sensitizer ingredients. Should an adverse reaction to one of our products occur after use, you agree to discontinue use immediately, seek immediate professional medical attention and hold harmless Skin & Spirit Herbal Apothecary.​


Interested in retailing our exquisite herbal skincare and self-care products? Reach out to us to learn more about wholesale opportunities. We believe in building strong partnerships and expanding the availability of our carefully crafted offerings.

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